There is this is the problem I face all the time. I know I should continually, incrementally, steadily learn – every day. I totally buy into this philosophy, am committed to it and want to do it. I know that even one hour a day done every day will achieve wonders over the long term.
But when in the day should I devote this one hour? Do I have to do it everyday at the same time? What about weekends? Should I make it explicit and put it on my calendar or should I just use any free time I find? How do I actually implement this ideal? And what should I learn?
**Part 1: The When **
This part needs some self analysis and understanding how you live your life.
I have found my ideal When: scheduling my learning time in my calendar and assigning the same time everyday. In the ideal world, I like to get to office an hour early and the first hour of every work day is my personal learning hour. That way, I learn every day I work, and this learning is done before I get sucked into work.
On the path to find my ideal When, I have experimented with
I suspect, for you, whatever you choose, you will need to look through all your options and try them out before you find something that works for you at least 75% of the time. The other 25% life happens, and we need to be flexible and just make it happen – use your schedule but not be a slave to it.
I know I still cycle through the options as and when my life situation changes and I need to find my new ideal.
Do this for a bit and you will be able to consistently learn for at least an hour 10months in a year. So, in Part 1, we have tried to figure out the “When” part. In Part 2, we’ll figure out the “What to study” part.
Some Links for part 1:
April 21, 2016