The Privilege of Life – 200 words project

Here is this week’s 200 words project



“First and foremost, it reminds us that we are alive and that it is a gift and a privilege, not a right. We must earn life once it has been awarded to us. Life asks for rewards back because it favored us with animation.”_**

Ray Bradbury in Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity


Nothing in life free. Life itself is not free. We are given LIFE – and that is a gift and a privilege, as Ray says. Given this ultimate gift and this ultimate privilege of life, isn’t it rude to expect anything else just handed over to us? If we look at our lives from this point of view, we realize that we have to not only work for the rest of our needs and wants, we must also work at giving back.

How do we pay back, or pay forward – by helping the people around us, the community, the universe? This should be a question of our lives, and fortunately the answer is easy as well. We just give back what is given to us – use our capabilities, our creativity, our minds and hearts not only for our benefit but also to the benefits of all.

We can treasure these gifts which came along with life, treasure the creativity each one of us possesses and let it come to life, but never brag about it because it is not ours – this creativity and creating of beauty and happiness is our way of giving back.

And this is why art and music and culture and open source and uncopyright and non-profits exist right?


About the 200 Words Project

Once every week, on Monday morning, I will post my ‘200 Words Project’ post where I will ruminate on some idea which caught my interest in the current book I’m reading, or maybe (sometimes) from a blog post or podcast – in 200 words or more, never less!

January 05, 2015