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A history of website development of Part I

September 26, 2016

Part I :A History of (the second SoFoBoMo that is…) For as long as I have been running SoFoBoMo 2.0… That’s not a good way to…

On Habit Formation

September 22, 2016

** “ Everything without exception requires additional energy in order to maintain itself, ” ** – Kevin Kelly in The Inevitable…

Recording Moral Letters, Vol II for Librivox

September 19, 2016

I am back to an old obsession – recording audiobooks for librivox. Of late, in the past 6 months or so, wherever I turn, there are…

To rest or to push through?

September 15, 2016

If you are an athlete, or one of those humans who, for fun, engage in one or many masochistic activities that make you “feel the burn”, or…

Techmart – making my SoFoBoMo 2016 book

September 12, 2016

Techmart By Suprada Urval The making of my Sofobomo 2016 photo book, just like years past, was a struggle – in finding a good subject to…