Introducing LittleReads – The most awesome book tracking app in the universe

This is a side project I’ve been working on since November 2016. Here is the grand reveal. I’ll blog technical about the making of Littlereads over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, here is the introduction.

The most awesome book tracking app in the universe

Superhero couple image

Do you have a child under 6?

Do you read books to your child?

Are you participating in the 1000 books before kindergarten challenge?

Do you want your child to be a super-duper-reader?

Do you want an easy way to track books you read to your child?

Yes? Join us at

Littlereads is modern. LittleReads works on iPhones, Android devices, desktops, laptops,
LittleReads even works offline!
(Told you … it’s awesome! Better than sliced bread even…)

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    My Story
    I have a superpower. I go places.<br /> <img style="margin-top:0px; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;vertical-align: top" width="350px" align="left" src="" alt="kids reading imagination image" /><br /> <!-- <img style="margin-top:0px; margin-right: 30px; vertical-align: top" width="250px" align="left" src=""> -->
    <br /> Utopias, dystopias, future time, past time, alternate time, dungeons with dragons, androids and superworms, new galaxies, universes, multiverses. All are just a book away.
    I want to pass this superpower to my daughter. So I read to her.
    We go to the library, hang out there, color there, read books there. And bring home a lot of books.
    I even signed up for the <a href="">1000 books before 6</a> challenge. I tried the book provided to track read books, but wanted a more convenient digital option. And I have forgotten the books she loved (and I loved to read) when she was 1,2,3&#8230;<br /> So I went looking in the wild, for a way to track books. I found a few &#8211; but none of them catered to the young ones&#8230; you could not track when and how many times you read the same book.
    So I decided to scratch my own itch and develop a rash. I mean, an app which is simple, colorful, easy to use, which can track the books I read to her and show me that data in pretty charts. So after about 6 months of development, here is <a href=";utm_medium=email&#038;utm_campaign=intro1&#038;utm_term=littlereads&#038;utm_content=signup3">LittleReads</a>. </div> 
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        So please tell me&#8230;
        What do you think about <a href=";utm_medium=email&#038;utm_campaign=intro1&#038;utm_term=littlereads&#038;utm_content=signup4">LittleReads</a>?
        Can you use it and tell me what you think? Any bugs, issues? What features you would like to see? Something not working the way you like?
        You can <a href="">email</a> or Tweet <a href="">@suprada</a> with feedback. Waiting eagerly to hear what you have to say. </div> 
            Happy reading (and tracking),<br /> Suprada
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April 25, 2017