The Rope and Tire Logo

Rope and Tire has a brand new logo now!

I had planned for a logo even before I started writing here at Rope and Tire. But I didn’t know what I wanted in the logo, the imagery, the colors, the style and never got down to it at the start.

Over the past few days, I had an idea of what I wanted – the rope and tire swing. I just had to decide what kind of a tree the rope and tire swing was to hang from. Looking online, I saw a bunch of trees, I was inspired and drew a few sketches on paper. Of those paper sketches I liked, I drew the finalized sketches on my smart-phone using the free SketchBook Express App. The final two selections, I saved the sketches and emailed the .png files to myself.

I then edited it in GIMP.

Then came the arduous, exciting, heartbreaking task of deciding on a font. I always love and hate choosing fonts. I finally decided on the free Philosopher font.

And voila! The Rope and Tire logo!

The rope and tire logo

May 24, 2015