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Cyclical nature of my goals

March 25, 2015

There seems to be a set pattern I follow. There is a period of setting goals and striving and straining to meet them. This period starts…

February, sickness and regaining perspective

March 04, 2015

In the first week of February this year, I had a bout of migraine attacks which left me crippled, whining, crying, curled up in a fetal…

Short Break …to smooth the rope…

February 23, 2015

I apologize for the break in regular schedule here at Rope and Tire. Sometimes, the rope does get knotted… Between sudden weird migraines…

Relaxation, learning and touch-typing – 200 words project

February 09, 2015

Here is this week’s 200 words project: ************** **“And work itself, after a while, takes on a rhythm. The mechanical begins to fall…

Process for personal projects

February 04, 2015

Some people have troubling starting personal projects. Some others have trouble finishing these personal projects. I am of the latter…