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December 2014 Reading Log

January 17, 2015

Here is my reading Log from December 2014. I read 18 books last month, but a lot of those were binge reading fantasy / science fiction books…

Forgetting how to laugh

January 14, 2015

I have succumbed to this problem of adulthood and only now do I realize this. I wonder when I fell contracted this illness? I realized…

Hungry about life – 200 words project

January 12, 2015

Here is this week’s 200 words project: ************** **_“To feed your Muse, then, you should always have been hungry about life since you…

What To Do When It’s Your turn – Best book in December

January 09, 2015

Here is my December 2014 entry for ‘The best book I read last month’. What to Do When It's Your Turn - Seth Godin What To Do When It’s Your…

The emptiness within

January 07, 2015

The emptiness within – is not big. Just like a small pail. Which needs, really needs to be just about halfway full. But the pail’s bottom…