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Living like a little wisp through time – 200 words project

September 15, 2014

In this thought provoking podcast interview between Tim Ferriss and Kevin Kelly, the talk turns to this idea of living in simplicity – the…

Showering and mindfullness

September 10, 2014

How do you go about taking a shower? Here is my 10 step process. Rinse entire body. Shampoo hair. Rinse. Conditioner in hair. Rinse Wash…

The 200 words project

September 08, 2014

In this morning’s RSS feed Seth Godin’s post:…

Pacific Grove weekend trip – my packing list

June 10, 2014

In my quest to travel light, I posted last time about eM’s packing list for our weekend Pacific Grove trip. This time, I’ll talks about what…

Toddler weekend trip packing list

June 04, 2014

We stayed over at Monterey, Pacific Grove this past weekend – just a weekend trip with some friends.  The trip was a lot of fun, but here I…