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Longbourn – Just Read

January 09, 2014

I have decided to add a category and write about the books I’m reading currently. I do read a lot, and it’s become hard to keep track of…

Life as is

January 08, 2014

It seems in eastern philosophies, , one of the important things I’ve read to learn is to enjoy life – each moment as is. Enjoy the pleasure…

No Coffee Month – Fail!

January 07, 2014

YUp. I failed. On Day 2 of the new month long resolution. I had thought to not drink any coffee for the month of January. However, I failed…

2014 – New Year Plans and Ideas

January 02, 2014

Its the new year. The beginning of the year is a very powerful motivation to start experiments, to start anything, to make changes in one’s…

The hidden winter

December 15, 2013

Winter, I have found is a very deceptive time. On the outside, it is all about nothing happening,  rest,  relaxation and letting go and…