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To Climb again

June 28, 2013

It’s been so long since I climbed outside. And I miss it so much. Th fresh air, the rough rock, the dirt, the approach, the scrambling just…

Taking Responsibility for your actions

June 26, 2013

Why is it so difficult to take responsibility for my own actions? It is so much easier to blame other people or events. So easy to say “It’s…

The Fortunate One

June 25, 2013

Am I? On a normal day,when everything is as it should be and humming along normally, some one close to you tells about their difficulties…

The Everyday Blogging Habit

June 24, 2013

Is something I am working towards. How is it going? The results are available for all to see an judge – not very well. However,I will…

Living in the head

June 19, 2013

Long ago, one of my yoga instructors, during a warm up breathing session talked about how we are in our heads all the time, how we should…