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On dealing with Power, Stress, Burden – 200 words project

November 24, 2014

Here is this week’s 200 words project: ************** ‘The power he held never seemed to go to his head—neither did the stress or burden…

How I manage the things I want to do

November 19, 2014

In the introduction to the book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey writes “How do you do meaningful creative work while also…

Originality in writing – 200 words project

November 17, 2014

Here is this week’s 200 words project ************** ‘Ancient philosophy never cared much for authorship or originality – all authors did…

From my Pocket – Mid November edition

November 15, 2014

Here are 5 links which inspired me last month. 1. Lessons from the Eiffel Tower by Seth Godin Oh what we can learn for the Eiffel Tower…

On Self-Observation

November 12, 2014

It is 3pm in the afternoon. Today has been an exceptionally unproductive day, as days go by – unproductive in the non-busy meaningful work…