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The best book I read last month – new series

October 31, 2014

I am happy to introduce a new series of posts – ‘The best book I read last month’ series, starting tomorrow, Nov 1st, 2014. I read quite a…

The Balance Wheel

October 29, 2014

A while back, over at Raptitude, I found this post about how balance should be in terms of years – not everyday. The balance here is the…

Input or Output – 200 words project

October 27, 2014

Here is this week’s 200 words project – from the Superhuman by Habit: A Guide to Becoming the Best Possible Version of Yourself, One Tiny…

The tomorrow-self

October 22, 2014

The last couple of days have been very busy for me. A relentless push at work towards not so far away deadlines, unending chores at home…

How to reinvent yourself – 200 words project

October 20, 2014

So you want to re-invent yourself? You feel stuck in your career or personal life or goals? You know you want to do something else, kind of…