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Binge Reading

October 15, 2014

There is a thing as bad as not reading – and that is binge reading. Blogs, news – yes. But also books, ebooks, audio books. And I’m guilty…

Mild acts of kindness – 200 words project

October 13, 2014

Here is this week’s 200 words project – from the The Barefoot Warrior: The Journey of a Young Adult in Search of His True Nature by Kyle…

The Strange guilt of library books

October 08, 2014

I read a lot (said kind of guiltily like it’s not a nice thing to admit). I borrow books from the library – books, e-books, audio books. I…

Reduction of choosing – 200 words project

October 06, 2014

Here is this week’s 200 words project – from the Vagabonding by Rolf Potts. ********** The idea – that whatever you choose, you lose…

Importance of mornings

October 01, 2014

Mornings are for important things. The rest of the day is for urgent stuff. – somewhere on the internet I get up in the morning and have my…